There is a mysterious Asian man gliding around the office in a white lab coat. I swear he’s Pierre Chang, aka Dr. Marvin Candle. Seriously.
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Who is at fault? The lender or the borrower?
I don’t understand. ABC News just ran a story about a couple who are tearfully struggling to pay their mortgage and have had to take steps like canceling their phone service and borrowing money from their kids [more...]
January 29, 2008
San Jose Best City To Work In; Glassdoor Employment Satisfaction Report Card By City | Glassdoor…
Hold on a minute. The report lists San Jose as being home to Google, LinkedIn, Agilent, Intel and Apple.
None of those are in San Jose.
Just sayin’.
June 22, 2013
John McAfee says he’s broke in Miami after playing ‘crazy card’ to get out of Guatemala
The hiliary never ends: now he’s saying he faked his illness to get out of jail in Guatemala, and now he is trying to get his 20-year-old and 17-year-old girlfriends into the USA.
December 13, 2012