After losing a day to a full-blown migraine yesterday, I still need to sleep it off today. Naptime.
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Or when pronounced as “A”
My retirement accounts are with TIAA-CREF, which serves a constituency of educators and scientists. When I got my quarterly statement yesterday, I wondered: how many English teachers are correcting their statements [more...]
April 11, 2007
ObamaCare vs. RomneyCare Infographic | 2012 President
Obama’s healthcare reform is almost identical to Romney’s Massachusetts version, except: 1: Romney’s mandate penalty is almost twice that of Obama’s… 2: Romney requires employers with only [more...]
July 1, 2012
Jeff Tabaco and Thom Watson are back in the news, albeit with a slight spelling error. “Interestingly enough, many local couples said they would prefer the quicker but less definitive resolution. ‘I suspect [more...]
November 21, 2012