Elisabeth Sladen made a huge impact simply by being a good role model: a kind, intelligent, strong woman. What a legacy she’s given kids.
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Dear sales guys: a demo just b…
Dear sales guys: a demo just before lunch should not include showing and talking about each and every item in the options menus. Thanks.
August 6, 2010
Somewhere in Africa people are waiting hours in line for water and rice
I didn't want to do it. I still don't want to do it. But I am obviously weak-willed and malleable. Here I sit on the cold mall floor outside the Apple store. What in the world is wrong with me?
June 29, 2007
19 Years Later, eWorld Is Dead; Long Live eWorld – Cult of Mac
Somewhere, I still have my eWorld beta tester t-shirt and floppy disc. My screen name was GeneC.
June 20, 2013