Listening to the printer churn out a 50 page document sounds like Temple of Doom adherents chanting “Om Namha Shivaye.”
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Nightmare Home
Every year, I enter the HGTV Dream Home Giveaway obsessively. This year, not so much. I’ve been thinking about moving to Austin, Texas, and was looking at houses there. I found a beautiful new home, 3 bedrooms [more...]
January 10, 2005
Right Here Waiting – The Morning News
The funny thing is, I’ve been contacted by THREE minor celebrities who have been mentioned on my inconsequential blog: a child actor, a cable tv host, and a porn star. All obviously googling themselves incessantly.
January 12, 2013
Romney voter fraud allegations loom as general election liability
Like many Americans, Mitt lived in his son’s unfinished basement and registered to vote – his civic duty, dontchaknow.
April 17, 2012