In case you’ve been counting.
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Short term memory
In his news conference the other day, when asked about Social Security Bush said that a “crisis is here.” Oh, really? He’s had four years to address that crisis that we all knew was coming. What did he [more...]
December 22, 2004
Virginia State Senator Attaches Rectal Exam Amendment To Anti-Abortion Bill
To protest a bill requiring women to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion, Virginia State Sen. Janet Howell (D-Fairfax) attached an amendment requiring men to have a rectal exam and a cardiac stress test [more...]
January 30, 2012
Then what are you?
I’m sure this will be permeating the blogosphere to the point of saturation almost instantly, but what the hell. From Harper’s via, here’s the things that President Bush is not. The [more...]
July 16, 2004