The numbers are correct, but the Foxy graphmongers are making up the Y-axis as they go along. The 8.6% of November is higher than than 8.8%, 8.9%, and maybe even the 9.0% of the first three months of the year.
Graphic Design the Fox News Way
The numbers are correct, but the Foxy graphmongers are making up the Y-axis as they go along. The 8.6% of November is higher than than 8.8%, 8.9%, and maybe even the 9.0% of the first three months of the year.
Graphic Design the Fox News Way
Is our past now our future under the Trump cabal?
Discussing controversial classroom subjects such as evolution and global warming, Santorum said he has suggested that “science should get out of politics” and he is opposed to teaching that provides a “politically [more...]
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