For Christmas, Your Government Will Explain Why It’s Legal to Kill You
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How to Spot Truly Vicious People in Church
In our ongoing mission of pointing out spin and talking points, here’s a quote from President Bush’s comments this morning: President Bush again rejected calls to hold bilateral talks with North Korea today [more...]
October 11, 2006
World Closet Case Day
“Actually Porno Pete, there IS a World Alzehimer’s Day and a World Diabetes Day. And a World Cancer Day and so on and so on. World Closet Case Day, as we all know, is every year on Peter LaBarbera’s [more...]
December 1, 2012
Take out the trash day
Dana Milbank today takes a look at the tradition of releasing bad news on Friday, a tradition that the Bush White House has taken to new extremes: Last Friday afternoon, President Bush announced that he was [more...]
February 24, 2004