Opinion: Santorum wants ‘Christian Sharia’ http://t.co/WIvUx2Eo (via @cnn)
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Fake Dispatch (@Fake_Dispatch) on Twitter
4th of July Tip: If you get busted for fireworks, tell the cops it is a particle collider and you’re doing research. (via @Fake_Dispatch)
July 4, 2012
And they got Al Capone for tax evasion
I could have entitled this entry “Maybe he was watching for the real killers.” O.J. is back in the news: A U.S. District Judge in the Southern District of Florida has ordered O.J. Simpson to pay DIRECTV [more...]
July 27, 2005
Thank goodness i don’t sleep a…
Thank goodness i don’t sleep anymore. Maybe I can see some perseids tonight.
August 12, 2010