What a load of hypocritical bullshit. Plus, it repeats the misleading right wing talking point that PP doesn’t provide mammograms.
What a load of hypocritical bullshit. Plus, it repeats the misleading right wing talking point that PP doesn’t provide mammograms.
Remember when the Republicans used to be the ones who called for cuts in spending? GOP leaders this week sent House Republicans home for the summer with some political tips, helpfully laid out in 12 “Ideas for [more...]
There are so many excellent, thought-provoking passages in this blog entry from Glenn Greenawald that you should zip over and read the whole thing. Here are some excerpts… In the past two weeks, the following [more...]
I was surprised to learn that fundie wacko Fred Phelps and his detestable followers were actually picketing at Ronald Reagan’s funeral yesterday. These are the hate-spewing brainless wonders who hold those huge [more...]