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Fuely Math
Well, I’ll be damned — first Apple comes out with a multi-button mouse, and now the Bush administration is calling for… wait for it… higher fuel efficiency standards! The Bush administration has [more...]
August 23, 2005
Isn’t her 15 minutes almost up?
First off, let me say that I am pretty impressed by soldiers — I could never, ever do what they do, from the slogging through training to the horrors of war. But frankly, I’m kind of tired of the industry [more...]
November 6, 2003
What didn’t he know, and when did he not know it?
Remember way back, oh, in 2000? When one of the candidates for president was really wonky and verbose and put everyone to sleep; and the other was dumb as a box of rocks and couldn’t name a single leader of any [more...]
September 28, 2007