I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
Where are all those politicians who embraced putting Ronald Reagan on every school, municipal building, airport, and bus station across the country? Is it no longer a quick route to voter popularity? Has gay-bashing [more...]
It’ll go down in history like the strange gap in Nixon’s tapes: the inaction of President Bush while the county was under terrorist attack. Evidently, the new Michael Moore film contains a seven-minute [more...]
I just can’t wrap my mind around right wing dogma, especially the contradictory, hypocritical stuff. Like the fact that “pro-life” people always seem to be pro-death penalty. It’s a strange [more...]