I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
So, here we are, two days away from what many expect to be yet another pivotal election. Lots of people are chomping at the bit for a change in government, hyperventilating over the polls that tell us of a pending sweep [more...]
The Republicans cried foul when “Fahrenheit 911” arrived in theatres despite their best efforts to keep it from being released; now a big Bush supporter is fighting back using his ownership of television [more...]
So, President Bush is now saying that he, like us, wants to find out what all the hubbub was about weapons of mass destruction. Quite a turnaround, eh? Well, he knows which way the wind is blowing. Dammit, I could have [more...]