I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
I dunno. I guess I would lump this in with all the rest of his demonstrably false statements, but on its own it’s not that damning.
So, this must just be a coincidence: President Bush and his hangers-on keep insisting that they don’t pay attention to polls. It helps to not pay attention when your poll numbers are in the toilet, of course [more...]
“Department of Homeland Security?” Pardon me, but this is a really, really stupid name. “The Homeland.” It sounds so jingoistic, so “fascist propaganda,” so… Bush. What’s [more...]
Kirk forwarded a story to me about the Southern Baptists, who are leaving their “World Alliance” — they’re accusing the Alliance of being liberal, meaning that they are tolerant toward [more...]