Heh. I guess they were tired of people dozing off on camera behind the podium. Meanwhile, I hate that damned human wallpaper that every candidate now has to have.
Heh. I guess they were tired of people dozing off on camera behind the podium. Meanwhile, I hate that damned human wallpaper that every candidate now has to have.
I mean, really. Does no one know the meaning of that oft-used phrase? This is how the neo-conservatives manage to control people, by giving them a ready-made enemy. In 2004, it was the homosexual agenda — you [more...]
Nothing negates an argument quicker than poor spelling and horrible grammar. And I wonder if it is just coincidence that the worst grammar and spelling comes from the keyboards of hyper-religious, fundamentalist nutjobs [more...]
Don’t forget — tonight there will be a total eclipse of the moon, starting around 6pm and entering totality around 8pm. Bring the kids! Call your relatives! Create some bizarre and wacky prediction that will [more...]