RT @JConason: Amazing graph here of income tax rates for wealthiest Americans http://t.co/bilYKHxC
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A Real World Example
Headline #1:
A new strain of antibiotic-resistant E.Coli has left 18 dead in Europe
The GOP wants to cut funding to the USDA and the FDA
June 5, 2011
Mark Sums It Up
It’s not strictly appropriate to reproduce an entire newspaper column on a blog, but this one by one of my faves, Mark Morford, is just too good and says it all in summation of this week. Eleven New And Happy [more...]
November 10, 2006
September 11: Bush’s Boon
You know, the emotions over this day are still somewhat raw for most people. But I am ashamed to say that, like hype surrounding some new movie or product, the packaging of this horrific event has made it so much [more...]
September 11, 2003