RT @JConason: Amazing graph here of income tax rates for wealthiest Americans http://t.co/bilYKHxC
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It’s so simple
In the Outlook section of today’s Washington Post, a letter from a citizen: A Few Rights, Please By Gordon P. Phelps Sunday, November 7, 2004; Page B07 Dear America: Now that you’ve had a chance to catch [more...]
November 7, 2004
George Will blasts the recall
Who would have thought that often vociferous conservative pundit George Will would have such strong words to say about the Republican-led recall in California? In today’s Post: California’s recall — a [more...]
October 9, 2003
Maybe he should have rehearsed first
Yesterday I watched a bit of Bush’s walkabout in some relatively dry patches of Alabama, I watched a briefing where he stood impassive with a bit of a smirk as various members of rescue teams told him of the [more...]
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