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I must have sent out more than a hundred resumes since I got here, the vast majority got no response at all. Yesterday I sent one in response to an ad that appeared only minutes before on Craigslist. Finally, I got a [more...]
September 8, 2005
If Reelected, Obama Should Be Impeached over Benghazi
Funny, I don’t recall these right wing zealots asking to impeach Bush over 3,000 lives lost on 9/11 after he ignored briefings warning of the coming attack. I can’t understand the depth of hatred these [more...]
October 27, 2012
Tea Party Activist Declares Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill “An Evil Monster We Have To Kill”
I’m no longer shocked because the Tea Party is full violent nuts – its just the reinvention of the old militias, white supremacists and anti-government freaks. No, what gets me now is the way the Republicans [more...]
May 9, 2012