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Socked in
I spoke too soon the other day when I said that the fog is held at bay by the mountains — this morning I awoke to find myself living in a strange gray world. It’s science fiction fog, the kind that makes you [more...]
October 21, 2005
Stormy Weather
As I write this, another big thunderstorm is pounding Washington, DC, with constant lightning and yet more rain – according to the Washington Post, we’ve had 26.55 inches of rain so far this year: Since May [more...]
June 19, 2003
Feelin’ hot hot hot
Wow — after such a chill, today’s near-90 degree weather in Washington was bizarre to say the least. It was so hot upstairs in my home office that my G5 started spinning it’s fans at high speed, even [more...]
April 18, 2004