Only in the GOP would 30 years in DC & hundreds of millions of dollars from lobbying qualify you to rant against ‘elites.’ (via @LOLGOP) January 29, 2012
This 10K is basically the distance from the parking lot to the starting line. By the time you get there, you’re done. January 28, 2012
RT @LOLGOP: I guess being kicked out of Congress in complete disgrace does make you a bit of an outsider. January 28, 2012
General Annoyances Five Missouri Democrats Discover Crosshairs Outside Their Capitol Offices January 27, 2012
It’s funny: all those years when I lived 3000 miles away, I always wanted to go to Macworld. Now that I live locally? Meh, not so much. January 27, 2012
Sales guy at this Walmart is describing an HDTV to people as “millions of bright lights.” January 27, 2012