Just As I Thought

The goat is being scaped

As I lay in bed this morning listening to the news on the radio, it struck me: Alberto Gonzalez will be resigning soon. I base this not only on the continued “support” from the White House, but because the White House has successfully managed to extricate itself from the situation.
The news is now focused entirely on Alberto Gonzalez, even the usually thorough NPR. There is no longer any mention of the White House’s role in firing the federal prosecutors. Somehow, the White House — Karl Rove, probably — has engineered a massive shift in focus, and the Democrats have stupidly and naively bought into it. They have directed all their new oversight power at Gonzalez with nary a glance at who was pulling the strings.
So, now that Gonzalez is isolated in the crosshairs and the instigators in the White House are safe, I expect the Attorney General to be gone in the next week or so.
What do you think?

1 comment

  • I think they want to keep him in office as long as possible for precisely the reason you’re saying: it diverts attention from the White House.

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