Just As I Thought

Again with the constitutional scholars

“Dr.” Laura Schlesinger has quit her radio program, seemingly bewildered by all the brouhaha over the use of a little word that starts with “N.”

“Dr.” Laura Schlesinger has quit her radio program, seemingly bewildered by all the brouhaha over the use of a little word that starts with “N.”

“The reason is, I want to regain my First Amendment rights,” Schlessinger said. “I want to be able to say what’s on my mind…without somebody getting angry.”

Um, the first amendment doesn’t say anything about being able to say what’s on your mind without somebody getting angry. It just says you can say it. And guess what? Other people can say what they think about you as well.

Yet another right-winger that thinks that constitutional freedoms apply only to them, and not to people who disagree with her. Gosh, those conservatives have awfully thin skins.

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