Isn’t it amazing how people vote for fame and charisma instead of governing ability?
I’ll bet the citizens of Minnesota are just shaking their heads and snickering right now.
Isn’t it amazing how people vote for fame and charisma instead of governing ability?
I’ll bet the citizens of Minnesota are just shaking their heads and snickering right now.
Via Fark: A city in Texas is facing a referendum on liquor sales by a religious group. In the article, the pastor who is leading the charge more or less admitted what we all know already: the Bible has no basis in [more...]
You’ve got to hand it to him, he’s really got balls. President Bush ignored a fresh round of questions about his service in the Texas Air National Guard and, instead, repeatedly questioned the character of [more...]
In the midst of the right-ward lurch our government has taken in the last few years, news like the Supreme Court’s affirmation of privacy in the bedroom and Canada’s initiation of same-sex marriage are [more...]
O.K., I’m a Republican, and a conservative one at that. But I’m going to be laughing my nuts off at Califorinia for the next few years. Those freakshows just got what they deserve.
Now I suppose Arnold (not Ahnold, the guy can’t help his accent- much like most of our grandparents) will be lifted with the ranks of other famous politicos…
Jessie Ventura
Sunny Bono
George ‘Goober’ Lindsey
That Pornstar from Italy
What a crowd to run with…