Sneak peek! As I told you earlier today, I am working on a music video. The computers (that’s right, I have a couple of them crunching numbers right now) are still rendering video, but I am so thrilled at the way this project is coming together that I can’t wait to show you! There are about 8,460 frames in this music video, and here are three of them.
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It’s so nice to know a genius
He tinkered, he tweaked, and he scripted. And he’s found a way to stop those freaks who keep unleashing scripts that spam my blog.
All hail to Jann!
He has his good points, and that’s why I love him.
February 10, 2004
Bite my shiny, metal…
Good news, everybody! Judging from this Reuters photo of teleprompter preparations, a certain robot from the 30th century will be opening the Democratic convention festivities with the pledge of allegiance. Gleep!
July 26, 2004
Bad Sex Scenes
Some winners in today’s Washington Post Style Invitational, where entrants were asked to write lines from a very, very bad sex scene in a novel. Third Runner-Up: Matt and Veronica melted into a jumble of hands [more...]
February 2, 2003
Can’t wait.
Looks neat but you should make it like a cartoon that comes to life. Do a story line about a guy and a girl he finds in a coffee shop who arerunning from ‘bad guys’ on motorcylces. Then the guy breaks free, comes to life and… oh wait.
Just make sure to throw in some scantly clad danicn’ hoochies.
Can Sara do The Grind?