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Word of the Day
This weekend I found a collection of letters in a dumpster by the park: T N S I A L O A R P B X O C R But what to do with them? How about a little amusement that could last as long as a few years, judging by the number [more...]
May 22, 2012
Say it with pixels
I often tend to maneuver myself into corners I can’t get out of, especially professionally. I love to try new things and push the envelope, it’s a great challenge when you work on the cusp of not having any [more...]
November 9, 2004
Birthdays are relative
As I watch these new Deep Space Nine DVDs, questions pop into my head that didn’t appear almost a decade ago when I first watched this show. Most of them are nitpicky continuity questions and plot holes caused by [more...]
March 2, 2003