Another of those “who are you” quizzes, this time “What Founding Father Are You?”
As all my friends already knew, I’m John Adams.
Another of those “who are you” quizzes, this time “What Founding Father Are You?”
As all my friends already knew, I’m John Adams.
I have many vivid memories of San Jose from when I was a kid, and one of them revisted me this morning while Diego and I were out for a walk. A few doors down, we encountered this guy on the sidewalk. He was just [more...]
Yup, one year to the day after my filmmaking team didn’t win, the tide has turned… I just found out that our 48 Hour Film Project entry for this year has won the coveted Audience Award! This means that of [more...]
Boy, the FCC would choke on a pretzel over this one: Mark Thompson, the new director-general of the BBC, is leaving a controversial legacy behind him as he leaves his old as chief executive of Channel 4. He has approved [more...]