Just As I Thought


I’ve just started to read another of Helene Hanff’s delightful books, “Apple of My Eye,” a love letter of sorts to New York City. It was written in 1976, amidst a bankrupt city government and the completion of the World Trade Center. Her thought upon entering the lobby of WTC 2: “Welcome to the twenty-first century.”
Although I would love to have Helene still with us, writing of her experiences, I’m also glad that she was not among us when it was demonstrated so tragically at that very same spot what we could expect from that new century.

And for those of you of a certain bent when it comes to terror alerts and the like, may I just inform you that for the last couple of hours here in Arlington near the Pentagon, there have been many loud, low-flying fighter jets zooming over. I don’t know what’s going on, but there are the facts for you. Read into them what you wish.

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