Just As I Thought

A fair and balanced ruling

This fair and balanced post will include two different sources, just to cover the bases.

From CNN:

Saying “This is an easy case,” a federal judge ruled Friday against Fox News in its lawsuit asserting that a book by liberal satirist Al Franken violates its trademarked slogan, “fair and balanced.”

U.S. District Judge Denny Chin, after listening to about half an hour of oral arguments, said the lawsuit was “wholly without merit, both factually and legally.”

Fox News includes this tidbit:

Franken called the ruling a victory for the First Amendment and satirists everywhere — “even bad satirists.”

“In addition to thanking my own lawyers,” Franken said, “I’d like to thank Fox’s lawyers for filing one of the stupidest briefs I’ve ever seen in my life.”

The ruling opened the door for lawyers for Penguin and Franken to file a motion to dismiss the suit altogether. In addition to denying the injunction, the judge took direct aim at Fox for bringing the case.

“It is ironic that a media company, which should be protecting the First Amendment, is seeking to undermine it,” Chin said.

1 comment

  • It’s a good thing Franken doesn’t live in Houston, Texas. Tom DeLay (Hitler in disguise) would probably send his jack-booted thugs out to get mediaeval on Mr. Franken’s ass.

    And don’t even get me started on Judge Moore’s 5,000 pound quagmire. Okay, I’ll say it. He tried to crush the First Amendment and Article VI of the Constitution with his really really heavy monument.

    Mr. Cowan, I love your site. I found it by accident. I’m a liberal in a putrid sea of right-wing conservatives here. Helllp! Get me out!

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