Isn’t it amazing how people vote for fame and charisma instead of governing ability?
I’ll bet the citizens of Minnesota are just shaking their heads and snickering right now.
Isn’t it amazing how people vote for fame and charisma instead of governing ability?
I’ll bet the citizens of Minnesota are just shaking their heads and snickering right now.
I’m beginning to think that the real evil these days is vested in the accountants who devise all the sneaky ways that politicians — from both parties — hide money, fund their campaigns, and sell [more...]
Feel free to disagree or set me straight on this; but once again I feel like George Bush is giving a sop to big business in health care with a new proposal. He wants to increase tax deductions for individuals by [more...]
This was not an issue when I was a Boy Scout — at least, it wasn’t to us. But then, that was before the organization was hijacked and taken over by religious organizations. Now, the Boy Scouts is church [more...]
O.K., I’m a Republican, and a conservative one at that. But I’m going to be laughing my nuts off at Califorinia for the next few years. Those freakshows just got what they deserve.
Now I suppose Arnold (not Ahnold, the guy can’t help his accent- much like most of our grandparents) will be lifted with the ranks of other famous politicos…
Jessie Ventura
Sunny Bono
George ‘Goober’ Lindsey
That Pornstar from Italy
What a crowd to run with…