Just As I Thought

Some questions shouldn’t be asked

I’ve finally been called in for jury duty today — wish me luck.
I sincerely hope they don’t ask my opinion on the current head of the department of justice. Really. Id probably end up under scrutiny for years to come. Or, at least, until the current dreadful administration is booted out.

Please note that I am holding in all my anger after having read about last night’s speech. I resolved to be funnier, remember?
I will say that I am somewhat amused to read that his speech was kind of a reaction to criticism, which he almost never reacts to. “Above the fray,” indeed.

OK, just one thing, then.
The president said that his opposition wants to “weaken the No Child Left Behind Act by weakening standards and accountability.” Of course, the president wants to weaken it by not providing any funding to properly implement it. Idiot.

Oh, and as for judges “forcing their arbitrary will upon the people”, I can only say that judges who support same-sex marriage are hardly arbitrary. They are supporters of equality and freedom. It seems to me that only allowing opposite-sex marriage is arbitrary, isn’t it?

1 comment

  • The dreaded jury duty. Feh!

    Here’s hoping your civil duty is served quickly and without incident!

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