Just As I Thought

Career Profiling

Once again, Congress wants to penalize one visible group over all others. Just like in the practice of racial profiling, the powers-that-be figure that if you are a baseball player you are more likely to abuse illegal drugs — steroids. Thus, they want to mandate drug testing for players.
If you remember, this is one of the “issues” that Dubya mentioned in his State of the Union address. Yeah, a really pressing problem we have in this country, our professional baseball players. Whatever.
Of course, none of this is new. Congress wants to appear relevant and active.
I sometimes feel like a Vulcan when I look around at what the government is doing — it’s all so illogical and steeped in emotion. I mean, look at the logic of this situation: how many professional baseball players are they in the U.S., and how many of them are using illegal steroids? And how many regular Americans are using them? I mean, the regular Americans using them must outnumber the famous, highly-paid baseball players by a huge factor, right? So, why isn’t Congress thinking of mandating drug tests for any muscle-bound guy rather than the small number of baseball players?
Government by logic. That would be a strange thing, wouldn’t it?

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