There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
What’s most shocking to me — although I shouldn’t be surprised — is that a major U.S. region became a third-world disaster area overnight. I don’t think that we have had a situation like [more...]
Ananova reports that Ricky Martin is “too shy” to approach women. Ricky Martin claims he’s too shy to approach women – but doesn’t usually have to bother. He says the perception that [more...]
Let’s look back in time, two and a half years. 2005. Back then we were young and innocent, the war in Iraq had already been won, New Orleans was intact and the real estate market was booming. Everything looked [more...]