There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
In just a few days, the anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake rolls around. It’s no secret that I am somewhat paranoid about having a big earthquake, knowing that if my house is damaged or destroyed it will be [more...]
It seems that we are nearing the end of the golden age of television comedians; Louis Nye is the latest to leave us. Louis Nye, 92, a straight-faced comic actor whose television career spanned a half-century, died of [more...]
Greetings from rainy, overcast San Diego! I wrote a really long blog post yesterday, using my iPhone. But Wi-FI here is intermittent and flaky at best, and my iPhone fluctuated between useless wifi and slow EDGE, and [more...]