There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
There’s something a little subversive in my using “I Love You” stamps to send out bills.
I hope that Comcast doesn’t get the wrong idea.
Coming to the realization that someone you talked to, oh, once a month or every couple of weeks or so… is gone and you will never, ever be able to speak to that person ever again in your entire life. It happens [more...]
I’m not qualified to even write about the kind of courage Rosa Parks had.
Oh, boy. My throat is raw and sore, every swallow is a new adventure in discomfort. Welcome back to DC! So, the decision. Yes, I am going to move to California — a decision which has driven me insane for the last [more...]