Just As I Thought

50 years ago (and) today

In 1954, on this very day, the Supreme Court said that “separate” is inherently unequal.
“Therefore, we hold that the plaintiffs . . . are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Although the ruling has still not created a raceless utopia, the spirit of that decision remains a landmark in our social history.

Through an amazing coincidence, May 17 hosts another step forward for equality. As of today, same-sex couples may legally marry — albeit in only one state. Massachusetts joins The Netherlands, Belgium, and several Canadian provinces in realizing that the government simply should not discriminate in this area.

To all the newly married couples to come, I send wishes of happiness and the knowledge that your life together is just as sacred as anyone else’s. Mazel tov!

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