Hmm. So, Bush has decided to demolish Abu Ghraib prison.
I can’t decide which more accurately describes this — yet again — pointless gesture. Why don’t you pick one?
1. Out of sight, out of mind!
2. Destroy the evidence.
Hmm. So, Bush has decided to demolish Abu Ghraib prison.
I can’t decide which more accurately describes this — yet again — pointless gesture. Why don’t you pick one?
1. Out of sight, out of mind!
2. Destroy the evidence.
An excellent, rational letter to the editor in today’s Washington Post: Friday, August 1, 2003; Page A18 The Rt. Rev. Gethin B. Hughes, as quoted by George F. Will [op-ed, July 31], says, “I am tired of [more...]
Don’t forget — tonight there will be a total eclipse of the moon, starting around 6pm and entering totality around 8pm. Bring the kids! Call your relatives! Create some bizarre and wacky prediction that will [more...]
I loved this NY Times op-ed by Gail Collins this morning… He’s Leaving. Really. By GAIL COLLINS Tonight President George W. Bush bids adieu to the American people. Excitement mounts. The man has been saying [more...]
Primarily, 2) Destroy the evidence, but both would seem to work for Bushy.
First of all, Welcome Home, Gene! There–I took care of the Immigration Department’s abrubt attitude!
Now– I wonder how many people think, as I do, that this prison demolishing is just some sort of weird “See, we didn’t really mean it, guys!” apology. A kind of “Look at us destroying that mean old prison which killed those people through no fault of our own.” Does Dubya and Co. really think that prison abuse will stop because a run-down building got knocked over? Jeezus!