Just As I Thought

It never rains, it pours

I just like to point out the unimportant (mostly) little lies that the White House tells, wondering if they are indicative of larger, important lies. They certainly seem to come up with these little white lies often enough, it really makes one wonder how often they lie about, say, oh, Iraq?
Today, there’s this little white lie, about President Bush’s bicycle mishap:

Spokesman Trent Duffy seemed to blame the accident on muddy conditions. “It’s been raining a lot and the topsoil is loose,” he said.

But Daily Kos blogger Markos Zúniga did a little Web-crawling and found that it hadn’t rained in a week in Crawford. Here are the stats, from wunderground.com.


  • Oh now you’re just being nit-pickey.
    Do you know how trail soil reacts to rain? This happened to us all the time when I was, as the British say, at University and rode for a local bike shop’s team. I could get technical about how rain reacts to smooting out the first inch or so after drying and makes the trails really difficult to manage, but it’s really something you have to experience.
    Speaking from experience, I believe this one…
    From what I’ve read in a few mountain bike mags he’s actually a pretty good rider who doesn’t do much backing off.

  • The point here is that the White House came up with a story about how it’s been raining a lot, when in fact, it hadn’t been raining at all.

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