Just As I Thought


Dad just called from the car following a doctor appointment — he insists that he’s better, and he sounds it. But my dad is sort of like me in health matters, he’s kind of unlikely to see the true nature of the illness, and downplay the severity.
And in typical style, rather than go straight home to rest — my father with pneumonia and stepmother with pneumonia — they’re stopping by Lowes to pick up a few supplies for their front door replacement on Thursday.
Do any of my gentle readers know what causes pneumonia? Three people in my dad’s house have it or have had it recently, and the fourth has asthma. I wonder if there is something in that house that is causing respiratory problems.


  • Not sure about pneumonia, but given our family history you should be keeping up with a good diet to control diabetes. I myself am hypoglycemic and have all four grandparents (half of whom you share, but you knew that) plus both my parents who have or had differnt degrees of the diease. So for me it’s tick toc tick toc.
    Anyway stick to a good diet for more reasons than just weight control.
    Give your dad my best and a quick recovery.

  • ‘Pneumonia’ is one of the least restrictive medical terms, frustratingly so, meaning quite simply a general inflammation of mucosal tissues in one’s lungs. Pneumonia is usually regarded as yet another one of those process-type illnesses, meaning that it’s the result of an immunological vulnerability brought on by some previous illness, injury, etc. Lung infections especially tend to mess up the body’s calibration of your pulmonary mucous blanket to such an extent that it becomes a breeding ground for more pathogenic bacteria. Unless someone gets ahold of a particularly difficult to eradicate bacterial strain (and in most instances, actually culturing the infectious strain is impossible), recovery is simply a process of patience. Tell your dad to watch out for blood in his sputum or any unreasonable difficulty breathing and everything else should be swell.

    I’m moving to D.C. in two weeks. Suggest something intriguing.

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