Someone at a London Underground station has been dispensing daily wisdom to commuters. I found this one particularly apropos to how I have been feeling of late. Good advice:
Check out the thought for the day every day.
Someone at a London Underground station has been dispensing daily wisdom to commuters. I found this one particularly apropos to how I have been feeling of late. Good advice:
Check out the thought for the day every day.
Was it the change of weather? Did I get it from Jon’s boyfriend, or from one of the thousands who attended DC Shorts? Or did it come from being on the closed environment of the plane? Whatever the cause, here I [more...]
Dad just called from the car following a doctor appointment — he insists that he’s better, and he sounds it. But my dad is sort of like me in health matters, he’s kind of unlikely to see the true [more...]
After the last credit flashed on the screen, the station announcer said, “You’ve been watching ‘A Very Brady Christmas!'”… and a little voice somewhere inside my head added, “you [more...]