For two days, strangers have been coming in and out of my home. I’ve done my best to stay out of the house, but that hasn’t stopped me from feeling a little violated — I come home to find a slew of agent business cards on the table, closet doors open, the shower curtain yanked back… I know that I’m trying to sell it, but it’s still weird. Since this is my first time selling a house, it’s an experience that I’ve never been through before. It will take me a while to be able to go through it again…
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August 28, 2008
Sorry, I should have warned you.
It is very much an invasion of personal space, its wise of you to not be there, because its even worse to have to watch it.
And as much as I hate to say it. I hope you did remove all the small valuables laying around before opening your house up to strangers.
Because you’re moving its better to get in the mind set that’s its not your house any more. Now you’re like the renter getting ready to leave and the next set of tenants are gettting ready to move in.
I totally agree with Tim- he’s very wise to suggest that you think of the house as someone else’s now.
That mindset will also enable you to become excited about the next step in your great adventure—finding a new home!!!! It may take some work, since you have lots of memories there– but you can fill any grieving void with thoughts of how you’ll be decorating your new home, meeting new friends, etc. Of course you’re very protective of your “space”- you’re the one who’s taken care of it for so long.
Good luck, take your small valuables like Tim said, and look to the future with hope and awe!