Just As I Thought

Gene Knows Best

I’m having terrible withdrawl pains now that someone has been hired to replace me at my old job. I guess it’s only natural after having worked there more than 12 years and leaving what I thought was an indelible mark — not just in logos and identity, but in programs and the ways things get done.
The biggest project I worked on annually was the conference for teachers, which I approached in such a proprietorial way that it pissed everyone off. But that’s the way I am: I want things to be perfect so that they’ll be successful.
Every year I’d create an entire identity system, unique for every conference, and this year was no exception. Of course, now I’m not there to see it through and ensure that my system is adhered to. I’m already worried about it, and am feeling — I don’t know, disappointed? Unhappy? — with the first steps taken by my replacement. Perhaps I was too detail oriented, perhaps I am too anal retentive or waste time on such things as color palettes, logo reproduction, properly-set type, the new website I painstakingly designed over a period of months… and perhaps I should make peace with the decision I made to leave and just for goodness’ sake let them worry about it.
I just can’t.

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