Just As I Thought

Who will keep my feet warm?

I hate the night before a trip — it’s not the anticipation of an early morning plane ride, it’s the fact that my puppy is sleeping somewhere else; in this case across the street at Jann & Mike’s.
It’s one thing to sleep alone when you’re used to a significant other beside you, it’s another thing entirely when you’re used to a sweet little dog nestling under the covers and curling up beside you.

1 comment

  • Just had to say that while having a puppy all curled up next to you is one thing (I am used to my chihuahua next to me at night)….but quite another when Diego (Gene’s aforementioned puppy) SNORES!


    I felt like I was in a hurricane… (well…especially since for most of the night he was asleep with his nose tucked under my cheek near my pillow) [i sleep on my side] and his breathing was right in my ear!

    All in all, it is worth it. He (Diego) is adorable! (and sleeps during the day laying on a pillow with his head held high.. His head does NOT touch the pillow for some reason!)


    Diego is in good hands, Gene!


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