This afternoon I walked down the hill to Albertson’s to buy a pound of fajita beef and vegtables for dinner. I emerged from the store into a 75° sunny day, with the mountains a stone’s throw away, carrying the makin’s for fajitas… and realized, I live in California.
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Leaving them behind
I read a story in today’s Washington Post about a trailer community set up for the displaced workers at the Domino sugar plant in hurricane-ravaged Louisiana. Near the end of the story is this extremely [more...]
January 22, 2006
Sunny with a chance of Nyah Nyahs
Okay. This is a little bit mean, but as I make all my east coast family and friends jealous, I’m also making a point about my decision to move west.
Here’s today’s weather:
November 21, 2005
Livin’ Average
Holy crap. (08-29) 09:13 PDT San Jose, Calif. (AP) — Northern California’s largest city is also the wealthiest urban center in the nation, with a median household income of $74,000. Santa Clara County [more...]
August 29, 2007