Just As I Thought

The Lost Frontier

I was driving around this afternoon, looking at neighborhoods up near downtown San Jose — more on this later — and on the way home, drove down Monterey Highway. It was one of those deja vu moments which I seem to have a lot here, the scenery has changed since I was a kid and things have moved around a bit… but I had a feeling in the back of my head that I was somewhere near Frontier Village, the amusement park I remembered from, oh, back in the 70s. I had no idea what might be there now, and it was just the overall look of the area that gave me a clue that it might have been there. One quick Google later, and I found a fun site for Remembering Frontier Village!
Yup, it was there, right at the corner of Monterey and Branham Lane, a block or so from where I was. It’s gone now, of course, with much of the land sporting condos — amusingly enough, the condo development is called Frontier Village. That’s kind of sad, really. Anyway, some of it is now a park, but the water is gone, the waterfall is buried, and the railroad is just a gravel walkway.


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