Well, despite his attempts at making a mug shot look like a publicity photo, someone did manage to use it to call attention to Tom DeLay’s two-faced ways.
Or, at least, to his possible nosejob.
Well, despite his attempts at making a mug shot look like a publicity photo, someone did manage to use it to call attention to Tom DeLay’s two-faced ways.
Or, at least, to his possible nosejob.
The Bush administration, not content with the sickening “PATRIOT Act,” is now drafting an even more disgusting piece of legislation that will curtail civil liberties, create more secret trials, and allow [more...]
The rumors of Colin Powell’s discomfort with the administration have been swirling around almost from the start of this regime, but here come some more: The chasm that has emerged between State and Defense over [more...]
The next time you’re tempted to make the case for terrorism as always in the name of Islam, don’t forget that we Christians also have insane fanatical fundamentalists who ignore the teachings of their [more...]