Just As I Thought

Life Trivia: November 2, 2005

  • Closing a purchase of a house is different here in California. Back home, closing is the day that you sign all the papers, hand over some money, and get the keys, a big ceremonial day.
    Here, I’ve been signing papers all along, wired cash the other day, and dashed off one more signature this morning. So, tomorrow’s closing really doesn’t involve me at all — it’s just the day that the deed is recorded, and I’ll get the keys later tomorrow.
    It is rather anti-climactic, but if things go as scheduled, I’ll be a homeowner tomorrow… sometime.
  • I went to Home Depot today to scout out things such as cabinet fronts, countertops, and appliances; but I had to hightail it out of the store pretty quickly because all the fluorescent lights in the place were randomly flashing on and off. It looked like a piece of performance art, but I couldn’t appreciate it as such because I got a migraine almost immediately. The employees I talked to all had headaches. Talk about the war with the customer — they were running people out of that store.
  • Why do people buy shampoo that has “vitamins” in it? I mean, hair is dead cells, it doesn’t need or utilize vitamins, right?
  • I wish I had a camera with me yesterday. I drove by a cemetery, and right in front of it there was a large street sign that said “Senior Citizen Facility.”

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