Hey, hey! Today’s the day! So, why are you reading this when you could be at your local record store picking up a fresh, neatly shrink-wrapped copy of MOTHERLODE? Hmm?
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Over there, over there
Mah sistah Sara is participating in this year’s Blogathon, in support of Invisible Children. Head over to Zen la la to read months worth of entries, all in one day!
July 29, 2006
To Go Before
Don’t get me wrong – I love my Prius. But now comes the 2004 model, which in tech circles would be referred to as “Prius 2.0“. This new version of the hybrid car is not only redesigned, but has a [more...]
April 21, 2003
One Small Step
It’s been a long time since we’ve been to the moon — as my friend Sara sings, nobody wants to go to the moon anymore. But if you’re one of the people who fondly remembers the amazing feat [more...]
July 20, 2005