Just As I Thought

Saturday Night Speculation

Thank goodness for the internet, because when you are addicted to a British TV show like I am, you’d go crazy jonesing for a full year before it arrives on American TV.

Thank goodness for the internet, because when you are addicted to a British TV show like I am, you’d go crazy jonesing for a full year before it arrives on American TV.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the two-part season finale of Doctor Who, and I am far more into this year’s finale than last year’s. I’ve been carefully dissecting the “Next Episode” trailer from last week, trying to divine clues as to what happens. And after the jump — for those of you who will be waiting to watch it — here’s what I think will be happening.


First, the stuff that’s obvious. The finale features the Cybermen and Torchwood Institute.
We know that Rose will be leaving the show, but we don’t know how. Will she die? Will she stay on earth with her mum? We do know this: the promos include the quote “She’s not Rose Tyler, not any more.” Does Rose become a Cyberman?
We know that “ghosts” begin appearing on Earth. This, coupled with the appearance of the parallel-Earth Cybermen tell me that some kind of rift has opened, allowing parallel people to appear in our universe. We also know that Torchwood is located in Cardiff, Wales at the Roald Dahl Plaza, which — as we discovered in last year’s “Boomtown” — is the location of the rift that Gwyneth “closed” in the episode “The Unquiet Dead.” That episode featured the Gelth, who were ghostly gaseous creatures that emerged from the rift.
So, will this finale feature the Gelth along with the Cybermen?
The trailer also features the familiar sound and effect of a Dalek gun, so most people are assuming that the Daleks will be at war with the Cybermen. I caution people to remember what Torchwood does: they collect alien technology, so it could well be that the Dalek gun is just that, a gun not connected to a Dalek.
Other tidbits from freeze frames: Pete Tyler, Mickey Smith, and Jake are glimpsed behind the Doctor for a few frames. And cast lists on IMDB (take with a grain of salt) include a character named “Sally” — could this be Sally the bride-to-be, who was “upgraded” to a Cyberman in “Age of Steel?”

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