Just As I Thought

Talkin’ bout the weather

There was a big thunderstorm over Las Vegas last night, so my mom’s homeward flight, routed through that city, sat on the runway in San Jose until they finally let the passengers off. She rebooked her flight for tonight; but not before watching pissed-off passengers make demands from the airline.
You know, the airlines have an awful lot to answer for these days, but the weather is certainly not their fault (apart from a bit of global climate change from their plane exhaust). So, when nature deals a big storm that means planes can’t land at an airport, why do people think that the airline owes them a free hotel room or a free ticket? Suck it up and take the next flight. Hey, at least they let you off the plane — when I went to London, Virgin Atlantic keep us on the plane without taking off for FOUR hours. No drinks, no bathroom, not even a magazine.
Everyone thinks that someone else owes them something these days.

Hey, this entry had nothing to do with my heart!

1 comment

  • People would worry less if they weren’t pursuing profit so bad; capitalism is the source for many evils.

    And I’m so glad this wasn’t about your heart smile

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