1: Nobody except me stops for school buses here in San Jose, despite the blinking lights and the stop sign that pops out from the side.
2: Swallowing a cough drop accidentally is very disconcerting.
1: Nobody except me stops for school buses here in San Jose, despite the blinking lights and the stop sign that pops out from the side.
2: Swallowing a cough drop accidentally is very disconcerting.
I walked into the garage and opened the door, and the unique smell of the garage flashed me back to 1981, to the smell of my grandparent’s garage which is still there, about a mile away from my house. The freshy [more...]
False alarm, folks. I feel really sheepish and sort of ashamed at having created such consternation for people in my life with my decision to move back to DC — because I decided once I got there that I [more...]
In less than a week, I’ll be so close to 40 that, especially in gay terms, I might as well be dead. I can feel the twinges of mid-life crisis beginning to creep into my doddering, graying head. For instance, it [more...]
yeah, ive fallen victim to the cough drop twice this week… menthol has a funny feeling on the way down…