1: Nobody except me stops for school buses here in San Jose, despite the blinking lights and the stop sign that pops out from the side.
2: Swallowing a cough drop accidentally is very disconcerting.
1: Nobody except me stops for school buses here in San Jose, despite the blinking lights and the stop sign that pops out from the side.
2: Swallowing a cough drop accidentally is very disconcerting.
Last night while out with old pal Julie and her husband Jason, we took cabs to shuttle back and forth to Palo Alto’s hip, happening University Avenue. Both cabs were driven by 50ish victims of the tech boom and [more...]
I should have known better, but then again, I always do things I know I shouldn’t. Just a little while ago, I sat down to watch a travel show on Washington, DC. Now I’m achingly homesick. San Jose has [more...]
So, I got a call today from a porn star. Seriously. Well, a former porn star who now, in a world-weary voice, says that he is ashamed of his past career now that he is a born-again Christian. Now, we all know what I [more...]
yeah, ive fallen victim to the cough drop twice this week… menthol has a funny feeling on the way down…