Just saw this on the news…
I hope she doesn’t decide to call herself “The Education Candidate.” And how ironic that in the computer capital of the nation, Silicon Valley, someone was too lazy to use spell check.
Just saw this on the news…
I hope she doesn’t decide to call herself “The Education Candidate.” And how ironic that in the computer capital of the nation, Silicon Valley, someone was too lazy to use spell check.
From the Telegraph: The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: “Goodbye from the world’s biggest [more...]
I like nothing more than amusing anecdotes about the pettiness of the president and vice-president. Like last week’s baseball antics of George W. Bush. Faced with the prospect of throwing out the first pitch in [more...]
Ah, fresh Rush Limbaugh idiocy with a healthy dose of hypocrisy … ‘cos there’s certainly not enough of that. Via DCRTV: On Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh said that George W. Bush didn’t go to Vietnam and [more...]
I think that you may be missing the point here. Hillary is obviously concerned about outsourced tech jobs having nearly destroyed Silicon Valley. Thus as an inspiring example, she has pledged to find new employment for ex-Tomorrowland Mission Control head, Tom Morrow. I’m sure that you recall that his job was recently outsourced to a lukewarm pizza joint.
Hooray for new jobs! Mind you, “Proofer” might be a good one with which to start.
And why are the new jobs always TOMORROW? Damn it, I want one TODAY!
so it should read “New Jobs 4 Tommorrow” right? Oh, wait….
I, as a compulsive proofreader, would have been obsessed with that. On the other hand, I find her overly-sculpted eyebrows to be equally disturbing.
Hillary has become way too Stepford-candidate-ish, and she kind of gives me the creeps. I want Gore!