Mark my words: the ill-advised “Cavemen” series coming this fall on ABC — based on those incredibly annoying and unfunny GEICO commercials (um, a TV series based on commercials? Well, in our marketing-driven culture today, it was only a matter of time) will last — quote me on this — less time than this run-on sentence. I give it 4 episodes. Tops.
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August 11, 2004
There is some talk that the initial episodes were so bad, that ABC was considering its outs and just not even debuting it.
They’re pretty lame commercials, except for the one line where the caveman’s phone rings at the therapist’s office and he says: “It’s my mother, I’ll put it on speakerphone.”
I dun’no, all them there comercials crack me up. (he has a squash racket in the airprot- really, that’s funny).