Why are gas prices so high? Must be because of god. Maybe if we sacrifice a few goats he will make more of it.
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Yaw’ gonna DIE in there!
Is it just me, or does the already scary Fred Thompson look, in this photo, like the evil reverend in Poltergeist II?
September 3, 2007
More pots, more kettles, still black
Oh, that Robert Novak. His column today is headlined (in the Washington Post, at least): “Democrats Can Smell The Pork.” In it, he accuses the Democratic party of preparing to take power and usher in a new [more...]
December 11, 2006
Work it in, baby
The sometimes subtle, sometimes overt dividing continues. The right wing orders seem to have gone out: keep driving home hatred toward gay Americans. Here are two examples from yesterday. I was listening to an All [more...]
August 11, 2004