Gives new meaning to Dubya’s “Lets Make the Pie Taller.”
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Not that there’s anything wrong with that
It suddenly occurs that George W. Bush might very well be the male equivalent of a fag hag. Of course, it’s not like he hangs around with openly gay people, but take a look at the number of suspiciously single [more...]
October 18, 2005
A perfect storm for Obama?
Maybe God wants Obama to win. Why else would She schedule a fiscal melt down just a month before what is arguably the most important election in our lifetime? Why else would the melt down happen at the end of a fiscal [more...]
October 8, 2008
I bet my blog is blocked in China
This Olympics is certain to go down in history as the most bungled ever, and I expect to see a bunch of resignations at the IOC. Just this morning, as I listened to the news of the torch relay in San Francisco — [more...]
April 9, 2008